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Gently Blended Perfume Oils

Mid-Night Breeze - Nutmeg & other essential oils - - It's like fresh licorice on a rainy day, beautiful and a bit manly, can be used in a candle scent warmer. 

Alluring Coolness - Coconut, Cypress & other essentials oils - - The sweetness is calming, good for perfume or a candle scent warmer.

Blue Tinge - Sunflower, Lavender & other essential oils - - A man will want to take you seriously when he smells this, it is a down to nature smell, or good for a candle scent warmer.

Deflori' - Orange Mandarina, Juniper berry & other essential oils - - Has energy like a fresh citrussy smell.

Dew-Lala - Jojoba, Bergamot & other essential oils - - Soft undertones, but could be a little manly, and could help you relax within minutes. Good for a candle scent warmer.


I am offering samples 
All 5 for $11.25 plus tax &shipping                     = $17.23
Single blues for $10.45 plus tax &shipping or   =    16.36
all 5 blues for $39.25 plus tax &shipping          =    48.18

Relax; $14.85 + Tax & Shipping      =  $21.14   
Restore; $12.85 Tax & Shipping      =   18.97

 your Name;___________________________________


 City, State;_________________________Zip;_______


Send my an email with your order to; 

 and I will set up your payment with Venmo or   PayPal


I also have a blend that I created a few years ago;

Relax - is a Lavender blend;

Ingred; lavender, coconut

& neroli oils

Instructions; Having a hard time

resting drop, on your wrist and rub in,

 or put a few drops in a diffuser

Restore is  - Eucalyptus blends

Ingred; Eucalyptus, Tea tree & coconut oils

Instructions; Having a bit of pain

In your body drop on your wrist and rub it in.

to My Oil and Book Site

  I have Worked for several years with oils and used them for myself and just recently decided to create some perfume oils and now would like you to enjoy them for yourself. 

AND on the other pages are our books that you can find on 

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