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Simple Things You Can Do To Carry Your Child Through School

A B C        Smple Things You Can Do is designed as a self help tool for getting your student ready for kidergarten. It was developed in response to the increasing standards i educational systems; the lack of parental knowledg in what basic skills sould be developed prior to a child's entry into kindergarten.

      This book is a colection of basic things that you can do with your students. The ideas found within this book requires little to nothing. These things you can do every day......

Dorothy Sannes has had a love for mystery novels since childhood. The love of books gave her the desire to write.

She has written a book of heart-felt poems called “GENTLE MOMENTS” notes from the Lord.

“Ice Tea and Roses”, “Nightmares of a Step Daughter”. And  a cook book that is called Favorite Recipes from the Hearts of our Family’s,  a book  called “ Real Stories Beyond Roswell", 

Dorothy resides in Southern California, and she is married with two sons and a daughter, two daughter-in-laws and five beautiful grandsons, a grand daughter, two grand daughter in laws and four beautiful great grandsons and one great grand daughter.




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