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Excerpts from the book


Hi Jimmy,

 If you’re reading this letter I must be sick or dead. I’ve had people following me lately and I haven’t been feeling well at all, but I think someone knows just what I’ve kept secret here even from you Jimmy. It’s been for your own good and I hope you can forgive me and keep what I’m telling you now a secret if you possibly can.

Some forty years ago when I was looking for minerals in the back country of Absaroka Range east of Yellow Stone, I started digging and found a gold vain thick as your leg. As I dug and made my own gold mine in the side of the mountain, it seemed the farther I tunneled in the wider the vain become.

On the bottom of this letter you’ll find our bank account numbers, and a pen name. I put this account in both of our names years ago. I’ve always loved you because you’re so very special to me. You’re the best thing that ever happened in my life! I love you Jimmy! Please be careful.

The gold mine has made us millionaires many times over, along with many wise investments that I’ve made. You can check on these with my longtime friend and lawyer Bob Jones right here in town. You can find his address at the end of this letter.

My lawyer will also give you a sealed envelope with a key and information on my safe deposit box. Be extra careful on getting and keeping this information. Many precious lives that are important to me are in this envelope. Please, please, be very careful with this information I share with you now.




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