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                    Ice Tea and Roses - second edition   and  Deadly Insight


With a quiet voice Jenny stepped forward and asked the aliens if the pyramids were something that they helped build. “Yes. Those humans were unable to move large rocks of that magnitude. We cut them to size for them. They were also shown how to build dams to gather water to irrigate their fields in order to feed themselves and others. We did many small things to advance the human race. However, it took a long time, for even then humans were war like. We did not visit your earth for hundreds of years due to your wars.”

“I’ve seen pictures in books and drawing from the pyramids that looked like space ships,” Jimmy commented.

“Yes. They used their pyramid to record what they saw. Our space ships have changed also throughout the years as we have advanced our technologies.”




   James has written The Treasure of Anasazi Indians and Beyond Roswell “we are definitely not    

  alone” and they can be found @ Amazon or our web page;

  His wife Dorothy Sannes who has helped with his books has written a book of heart-felt  

  poems   called “GENTLE MOMENTS” notes from the Lord. One of her poems “RENEWED  

  ASSURANCE” has been published in “Sunrise and Soft Mist” a large book of Poetry.

  She has written “Ice Tea and Roses”, “Family Lies” a mystery novel”, “A Daughters Tears”. “   

  Simple   Things You can Do To Carry Your Child Through School”, And there is her cook book  

  that is called “Favorite Recipes from the Hearts of our Family’s.

  James and Dorothy reside in Southern California, they have two sons and a daughter, two  

  daughter-in-laws and five beautiful grandsons, a grand daughter, two grand daughter in laws  

  and one beautiful great grandson. or you can find it on


Sabre'a arrived at the house where many secrets were once kept, surprised to see it in disarray. Memories flooded her mind. Her thoughts drifted back to the days of her childhood, and to the many experiences that were so strange and potentially frightening to a child. She thought of the day she was told, her parents were dead, and the strange man who took her from her parents house to live with her grandparents at the big house on the hill. She remembers the last day when she found out what secrets there really were.


Deadly Insights is a sequel to Ice Tea and Roses second edition, you will find Sabre'a and Daniel finally came to the moment of knowing it was time to get married. What is supposed to be a joyous occasion, but twist and turns turned it into a mystery that she and Daniel never saw coming. Neither did anyone else in the family! Their house was finished, their jobs were as good as they were going to get, so they planned the wedding and a honeymoon in Paris was on track to happen. Arriving in Paris at the Chateau is where the mystery began, it was painful, but intriguing. All their lives would change from that time on. Read and see what happens next.

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